Thursday, August 15

A New Beginning

Welcome! This is my first post on my new blog, it's been something I have been thinking about doing for quite a while now, so here it goes...

I am currently going through many changes... I have also recently moved to a new town and moved into a small cottage between the wine lands. Between discovering our new home and its surroundings as well as all the wine tasting that goes with it, my fiancĂ© and I are slowly but surely planning our wedding and all the joys that come with as well as all the pretty websites and things! On the serious side I am starting with my new job soon which is scary but at the same time exciting.

I actually wanted to start this blog when we decided on moving to document all the travels in between but I will just pick it up from here and hit the ground running with all the excitement that is around me now.

I read something the other day that said;

"You only get 10 years to be in your 20's"

I might be almost halfway but I'm going to make it the best 10 years of my life! So here's to new adventures in my new home, and happy blogging I guess...


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