Tuesday, August 27

Pizza & Wine Pairing

This weekend we decided to try something new, we got a group of friends together and headed off to Mulderbosch for a Pizza & Wine Pairing. Not quite the expected norm of mixing wine with cheese is it? But never the less, it is good!

This sounded to me like the best thing ever, I love pizza, and I love my wine, how can this not work? Yet I was a bit skeptical at first thinking that this is just a story for being funny with random combinations and how can so many different flavors bring out the taste of the wine, but my mind was quickly changed. To be clear, I am not a wine expert at all but this was definitely a learning experience for me...

What really made this experience fun was that all of us had different opinions on how the wine worked with the pizza, which was fun to hear all the different views. It's cool because sometimes the combinations have the complete different effect to what you are expecting but that was all part of the fun.

Definitely another thing I would recommend to anyone in the area!


Wednesday, August 21

Our Engagement Shoot

One of the best afternoons ever... And well worth waited for! The weather here in winter is really quite unpredictable so after 2 cancelled shoots finally the weather turned and we had the most stunning day! We had such fun! A huge thank you to welovepictures for the most beautiful photographs! They captured our mood perfectly... young, happy and in love... these are the moments I want to rememeber...