Thursday, October 10

Photography on the Run

I recently rediscovered my love for running. We're pretty lucky that we live on a farm so finding routes to run here is quite endless, I have just been exploring the farms roads for a few weeks but haven't even been through all of them yet. I find that running is something that helps me clear my mind, plan my day and come up with my ideas.

I run with my phone because it has my music on, and I have a really great app that helps me track my distances and times, but the other day while I out on the run the views were just so stunning I had to stop to capture the moment. Because I run on my own its oftentimes difficult to explain how beautiful it so by taking these snapshots atleast I will be able to remember and keep for a long time to come. I call it 'photography on the run', what better way to combine two things that I really enjoy...

Below are just a few of my photos from the past few weeks, there will most definitely be more on the way, if you enjoy it then go have a look on my Instagram page...


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